
In order to have a shared order's book, Mostro daemon send Addressable Events with 38383 as event kind, you can find more details about that specific event here

Communication between users and Mostro

All messages from/to Mostro should be Gift wrap Nostr events, the content of the rumor event should be a nip44 encrypted JSON-serialized string (with no white space or line breaks) of the following structure:

  • Wrapper: Wrapper of the message
    • version: Version of the protocol, currently 1
    • id: (optional) Wrapper Id
    • request_id: (optional) Mostro daemon should send back this same id in the response
    • trade_index: (optional) This field is used by users who wants to maintain reputation, it should be the index of the trade in the user's trade history
    • action: Action to be performed by Mostro daemon
    • payload (optional): Payload of the message, this field is optional and depends on the action

These fields are relative to the wrapper, here an example of a take-buy order message:

  "order": {
    "version": 1,
    "id": "ede61c96-4c13-4519-bf3a-dcf7f1e9d842",
    "request_id": "123456",
    "trade_index": 1,
    "action": "take-buy",
    "payload": null